My only other beef is the fact that there are lists of "Bonus Vocabulary" at the end of each chapter that are NOT on the cds. Folks, how much does it really cost to keep the talent in the studio a few more hours? Seriously.
On a positive note, this is the first Korean language material I've picked up that didn't start off by introducing the concept of kimchi or devoting more than a paragraph to the scientificness of the Korean alphabet and how smart and fabulous King Sejong was.
That said, I've got the alphabet about half memorized. I haven't been able to make any proper flash cards since my printer broke. In the meantime, I'll try not to devote too much brain power to what the heck is up with two different methods of counting--one of which is supposed to be based in Chinese but sounds NOTHING like Mandarin. What's up with that? Do they match with Cantonese or something? *sigh*