Sammy is a chunky 11.5-lb Pomeranian I got nearly six months ago from some foks on Craigslist advertising him under the heading "Free Pomeranian." Now, common sense says that any full-breed dog offered for free has either physical or mental problems. Sammy falls under the latter category. He's a "little off" but in a way that makes him all-the-more amusing.
Since I got him fixed, he hasn't bitten me viciously like he did in the past (2 times). He can still work himself up into a froth if he runs into an unneutered male dog while we're out and about but since that one stray dog bit him, he's been a little more cautious in picking fights. ;)
None of my friends/family can keep him for me since he's such a crackhead and at the same time, there's no guarantees as far as my living arrangements in Seoul are concerned. *sigh* He's gotten better since I've had him and I'm sure he'll get better the longer I keep him...
What am I gonna do with you Sammy?! :(
maybe this will help?
Awww, good luck finding a solution! I have a soft spot for crazy poms myself, lol...
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